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commitment toの例文


  • but today , their commitment to a british identity
    しかし現代においては 英連邦への忠誠が
  • without a commitment to truth and reconciliation .
  • we have become unsure of your commitment to our mission .
  • to put their training and commitment to work .
    学んだ事や献身を 活かせる仕事に就くべきなのです
  • but there is also a passionate commitment to the truth .
  • commitment to religion and strong social cohesion
  • why are you so reluctant to make a commitment to me ?
    なんでそんなに私と 関わるのが嫌々なの?
  • all of us have to have a commitment to do that .
  • is always grounded in a commitment to the facts
  • you don't have commitment to tasks
    一生かけても終わりそうにない 務めには本腰を入れません
  • i believe our commitment to briarcliff is equally matched .
    等しく一致しているはずだ それが何なの?
  • and most importantly , commitment to active nonviolence .
    そして 最も重要なのは 非暴力を貫くこと です
  • and most importantly , commitment to active nonviolence .
    そして 最も重要なのは 非暴力を貫くこと です
  • so i hope that your commitment to one another will stand the test of time .
  • to show their commitment to true love .
  • spock , you have made a commitment to honour the vulcan way .
    スポック バルカン人たる 宣誓をしたはずだ
  • it's a totality of his emotional commitment to the task at hand .
    任務遂行の強い意志が もうサイコー
  • by their shared commitment to religion
    ともに 4世紀半結束していました
  • i took advantage of you , of your commitment to help others
    人を救うことに熱心だったから、 助けてくれたが、
  • in its commitment to peace .
  • もっと例文:  1  2  3